Thursday, February 13, 2014

for 14Feb14

In a few minutes it's 14Feb14!  Happy Valentine's Day or Happy Heart's Day everyone! There is no hype about it in here unlike in my country where flowers, chocolates, bear, balloons and etc will be selling like pancakes despite the skyrocketed prices.  There are a lot of Valentine promotions (hotel & dining) and schemes for this day of the lovers. 

Last year was the most unique Valentine's Day ever for me and I'm sure for my sister too.  She gave birth to Kynan (her 2nd child)  and I was her driver, nanny, accountant, receptionist, press release, private nurse and all hehe.  Sigh!  Time flies too fast that what happened last year is now a hashtag TBT!

Hahahaha how I wish but nah!  My hubby is not into this Valentine fever!  It's just like any ordinary day for him but I look forward to tomorrow not for the HVD but for another Lake Garden visit.  

This week has been a tight one with my household chores and gosh!  It's getting too hot in here everyday too!  We are so into summer! It's been a long time since we had rain, it drizzled yesterday but we need more than drizzle you know.  

Have a funny valentine!

Wishing you all a sensible and practical weekend!! 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Long weekend that was.

It was a 5 days weekend last week and my feet itched to be somewhere else days prior.  As it was a holiday (CNY) most common irritating words are booked up, peak season, and crowded.  Ding dong!  If I don't want to be ripped off right in front my eyes forget the itch, settle down, think more, and take the most logical path.  So here's a recount of those days and I hope it was the most logical path hehe.

Jan 31 - We are not Chinese but we are so in one with the celebration.  We waited for midnight and see how it's going to be in here.  I expected for ows! and wows! coming out from my mouth but I can only hear questions after questions.  The fireworks were not what I had expected and it was only a random kabooms here and there.  Or is it only well celebrated in the other parts of Malaysia?  Maybe!  The mood was saved with something sweet.  We had Akachan no hoppe (baby cheeks) a Japanese delicacy pastries, mochi for that matter.  For us it's masi, only of different filling and needs no refrigeration.  Stay at home was our theme of the day on that CNY.  Z finished his sand art, Jack with his e-book, and me with my TV shows. 
Zs' sand art

                                           ang pao for Z and the akachan

Feb 1 - As the rightful heir to the throne of 2014 took its post our journey began too.  We've taken the reins and saddled our way to a touristy, educational, regal, sweaty, historical, and wallet-friendly Saturday.  We went to museums, the new national palace, and park.  Because I don't want to bore you with a lengthy update I will have a separate details of each, okay?!

1.  After many attempts we finally made our way to the old Istana Negara or the old palace of the King of Malaysia which is now called Muzium Diraza The Royal Museum.  This is very near to our place but I don't know why after all these years it was only last week that we were able to visit hehe.  No regrets, it's now a museum so we can get in!  Visit cost:  RM20 for the 3 of us.  Z and I were given a discounted rate for being Jack's dependent but Jack paid the foreigner's rate hehe.   

our family picture at The Royal Museum

2.  Next is Muzium Negara.  It's near to KL Sentral you can even walk from there but if you doesn't like to sweat it out take the taxi or the hop on - hop off bus which can also take you to other KL attractions (with a fee, of course!).  The museum is in a two-storey building which for me is having more of a house feeling ambiance rather than a building.  It's partitioned into 4 galleries:
          Gallery A - Early History
          Gallery B - The Malay kingdoms
          Gallery C - The Colonial Era
          Gallery D - Malaysia Today

Entrance to the museum

There are 2 mini museums outside the main museum, these are:

·         Muzium Seni Kraf Orang Asli (Orang Asli Craft Museum)  - like us they also have native tribes and even has a tribe called Semang or Negrito.  Orang Asli means original people.  

·         Museum of Malay-World Ethnology showcases the traditional Malay house, activities, games, and stuff which we Filipinos are also familiar with.

No entrance fee for the mini museums.  Visit Cost: RM12 for the 3 of us.  It was the most well spent RM 12 because aside from the 3 museums we entered there was an exhibit hall and an array of kiosks of various product offerings.   

                                                  kiosks --- herbal stuff?
carving and popsicle
I love the beads exhibit.  One word to describe the workmanship or craftsmanship -- exquisite!

3.  Moving forward, we visited the new Istana Negara or national palace.  Yey!  We once passed by it and actually, we can see it from our place but a closer look is a different experience (hmmm excuses, excuses! ).  It's a massive palace sitting on a hilltop.  It's not as accessible from the old palace but it is where a palace should be.  There were 2 gate guards that resembles to that of the Buckingham palace and I saw 3 policemen sitting in a corner behind the guard's wall.  I don't know if there were policemen on the other side because I didn't visit the other guardYou can take pictures of the guards or with the guards.  From the parking lot to the gate the gap is huge, super spacious!  From what I read the new palace has an area of 100,000 square metre with a total cost of $US261.37M!  Wow! 
from gate to the palace. 
photo bombers at the back :).  gate of the new Istana Negara.

We were there around 4PM and yikes!  Sunscreen, umbrella, and cold water with more ice please!  The heat was draining :(.   Since you can't go beyond the gates and we don't know the time for the changing of guards (they might have a ceremony like that in Seoul and Buckingham) so we said goodbye and off to the last pit stop. 

4.  As usual, it's at Lake Gardens.  What made the visit something new?  We played Badminton, yehey!  Not the ideal venue because of the wind but I miss the fun part of the game and there were other families playing the game too.  We call it a day by 7:00PM.  The sun just started to set so it was best to start hitting the road back home. 

Dinner was chicken, pizza, and pasta!  My comfort food, our comfort food! It was a very busy day but very new and edutaining!  Lunch was at RM21.50 but dinner was at RM94.76 ☺☺Still!  It was the cheapest tour ever hehehe.

Feb 2 - Only the boys made it to church because my best friend migraine pinned me down to bed.  Argh!  It could be from yesterday's heat and delayed meal times that caused my BFF to spring forth.  I had to borrow Jack's shades and wear it indoors.  The more sunny it is for my eyes the more painful it becomes.  So, lunch was a take away. Dinner was sandwich and uneaten cake slices, alright!
                                        war of the bacons -- beef VS pork

                   the sandwich.  secret recipe cakes -- red velvet and absolute choc

Feb 3 - Last day of the long weekend.  Sewing stuff is not easy to find in here.  It's not readily available in most malls.  I searched the net and at last bumped into a blog that speaks of sewing stuff.  It was not an easy search btw.  Z and I went to the place last Jan. 30 but we missed it as they closed early.  So last Monday's visit was a seamless one.  No more wrong turns and no more "excuse me blah blah blah is?".  The store is called Syarikat Bunga Reben.  I got the hook and eye I needed and other stuff to make the trip a bit worth it.  When I received the plastic bag I was wandering why it became heavy when I only bought weightless stuff.  Tada!  They gave us 2 ponkan oranges and a small lychee juice .. yehey! post CNY gift!  Terimah Kasih! 

From Bandaraya we went to KLCC and we stayed there until dinner hehe.  Jack worked OT and Z doesn't want to go home yet .. actually, me too!  Had lunch and hang out at Kinokuniya bookstore.  Z read Adventure Time and country books and me?  As usual, looking around for cute stuff and browsed books.  Gladly, 2 chairs were vacated so legs were put to rest.  Whew!  Since I was just waiting for Z might as well read a book!  I saw a very familiar book and read The Little Prince again. Tick-tock-tick-tock!  Jack returned and so we did a little trip to the grocery.  I connived with Z to gang up with Jack and have dinner at Chili's.  Hehehehe.  Do you know what is my favourite there?  Aside from Z eating for free from an ordered main course, it's the Skillet Queso and Tostada Chips!  Why?  Because the chips are bottomless.  Yes! Chips! ☺ ☺☺.   It is a feast of chips hehehe and after the refill, "take away please!". 

                           cheese and beef dip and tomato based dipping sauce

Ow gad! Sorry, I try hard not to make this a lengthy one hehehe unfortunately, I got so carried away.  The end!  Have another great bonding moment this weekend with your family guys! 

note: pictures are taken from my phones except for the family pictures.