Saturday, June 29, 2013

Remembering ..

Remembering ....

He loves to read anything, tries new things, plays a lot of  games/sports, thinks for solutions, has a vast knowledge and expertise in Telco, a hands-on father, a thoughtful husband, and most of all he just loves to learn everything -- a Chef Engineer.  He is patient and everybody's friend.  He knows how to encourage and gives a subordinate enough space to tackle a task. 

I'll forever remember ....

Today I want to be  thankful for that one opportunity years ago.  He gave me the chance to find my way and discover the world of writing.  He entrusted me with a job which I was doubtful at the same time I was excited and challenged to fulfil it.  It was not part of my main job but still a task at hand. It was a hill and valley experience.  If it makes me smile now, it definitely was a good opportunity then.

I remember ...

To you, Gerard "Gervi" Vidal ......

Happy, Happy Birthday man!  All the best to you.

Again, thank you and May God bless you and your family always.

I grabbed and cropped 1 of your FB pics. fyi. :)

Do you still remember me? Because what I can also remember, you have this tendency of forgetting people and where names and faces just doesn't match efficiently.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Kriziann on Two

                        To my food trip partner, baby alive, michelin nephew 

Happy 2nd Birthday!

          Stay healthy and happy! Cheers for the good looks!  We love you ki! 

there's always a workaround

Excitement and expectations crumbled down after I tasted the strawberry we bought from Aeon grocery.  It was way too sour!  I felt I became a facial contortionist for a minute.  Jack was really amused when he saw my face and asked "that sour?!".  No need for words, his face revealed it all.  There has to be a workaround.  I can't simply throw my RM6.50 away, no way! 

Glad I found this recipe.  The simplest one and truly delivered the expected result I so wanted.  I diced my strawberries into really small pieces and I was able to get a cup and 1/4.  I had adjusted the recipe with my resources.  I used 1 cup of brown sugar and 1/4 white sugar.  I mashed the diced strawberries with a fork and surprise!  They are not that tender so let fire do the rest.  And here is the recipe which I am so happy to share. 


2 pounds fresh strawberries, hulled
4 cups white sugar
1/4 cup lemon juice


1.  In a wide bowl, crush strawberries in batches until you have 4 cups of mashed berry. In a heavy bottomed saucepan, mix together the strawberries, sugar, and lemon juice. Stir over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Increase heat to high, and bring the mixture to a full rolling boil. Boil, stirring often, until the mixture reaches 220 degrees F (105 degrees C). Transfer to hot sterile jars, leaving 1/4 to 1/2 inch headspace, and seal. Process in a water bath. If the jam is going to be eaten right away, don't bother with processing, and just refrigerate.


      To test for jelling
      Place three plates in a freezer... after about 10 minutes of boiling place a tsp
      of the liquid of the jam onto the cold plate. Return to freezer for a minute.
      Run your finger through the jam on the plate... if it doesn't try to run back
      together (if you can make a line through it with your finger) it's ready to be

Verdict:  Love it!  

I have used it in my:
  • whole wheat sandwich
  • pancake as topper and filling
  • salty crackers as topping and topped with crushed walnuts or almonds
  • as an additional sauce to my secret recipe sauce when cooking the chicken and cold cuts for the wraps
  • and simply eating the jam as it is

Don't let any sour pipz or sour event bring you down today.  There's always a workaround.

Have a Fun and Fab Friday!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

moving on, moving up, moving forward!

April 27, 2013.  Two months ago, we flew here in KL.  Z and I are no longer strangers to this country because we are it's frequent visitors for the past years. I felt so agitated that day maybe because it will not be the usual trip like before.  As this time, it will be for a for a long, long while.

When we were on our way to the airport my phone rang and was surprised why my sister was calling so soon.  We had to head back home because one of our bags is still inside the room.  What?! Good thing we were just a kilometer away.  My patience was tested, I took a grip of myself and considered the situation a joke.  We were laughing as we reached home and the laughter shared helped me clear some thoughts and helped me steady a bit. 

Was it for the use of the trolley??! Or for whatever reason it was, I was asked to pay Php 45.00 for all our bags.  I asked the porter if it was already my payment for his service but he said it wasn't nor he benefits from what I paid.  Ggggrrrr!  It seems like travel tax and terminal fees are not enough!  A rip-off!  I am really keeping the district32 acqua water bottle until now because this is worth Php 50.00 for a 250ml size.  No choice and if you have a son you can't deprive him from drinking water. 

The plane was not full but the ride was so bumpy on that afternoon.  We took Cebu Pacific as it is the only airline that has a direct flight from Cebu to KL.  Minutes later and it was snack time.  It has become our tradition to eat noodles while on board.  I think the noodles become more tasteful if we are at sky high and you get to appreciate it more because it's pricey hehehe.  Anything can happen! And forever it will be remembered.  The noodles were served.  I turned around to put my cup on the other stow table then it happened so fast.  The plane jerked, I heard a groan, hot water splashed on Zs' chest and abdomen?!  I didn't panic.  I was brink of tears but I had to show strength to help him pacify the pain.    My son's chest was so red.  He was in tears, who wouldn't.  Cebu Pacific has no First Aid Kit and I don't know if they even have a First Aid training.  Since it's impossible to have a running water I asked for ice.  At least, the stewardess gave me enough ice, placed it in a plastic bag, provided a box of tissue and comforting words to Z.  It was the best that she could do but I was thankful.  I'm also thankful that there is this thing called melting process because it really helped a lot.  Every drop of cold water was a gift.  Since it was painful to put something of weight on his chest, I used a wet tissue.  The colder the tissue the better it was.  After sometime the redness was cleared at his abdomen part with the ice pack.  We changed his shirt but continued to put cold tissue on his chest.  With his guardian angel's help, he was calmed to sleep for awhile then as I re-checked the redness was gone but there was a noticeable birth mark-like that was left around 2 inches in length.  It was a very unfortunate experience. Buying noodles again? Yes but this time I'll bring a dependable non-spill container to avoid this scenario in the future.

As the plane gained speed and while Z was asleep, I had my chance to be on thoughts and enjoyed the moment watching nature at its best from our window.  I turned on the review button in my mind and looked back. It took me years to come up with a decision because I was so fickle-minded, it was like a step forward and 3 steps backward moments then.  I have been asking God for signs if I should or should not pursue the move.  I can't really pinpoint if they were the signs I asked from Him because the manifestations were not that direct or concrete enough.  I took time to really reflect and weighed things over.  Knowing what truly matters and what my heart truly desires helped me simplify things. With my impatience, I was so blinded with a lot of things.  In the long run and with the many years I have waited, only did I realize that those years were indeed not wasted as I thought they were.  God helped me prepare and to be more prepared.  I trusted Him and so things are in its proper places.  When He thinks that I have already established a foundation in me, that I was able to condition myself well and I have known deep in my heart that things will no longer be the same he allowed the moment to happen.  We are one step closer.  We are moving in.

Z woke up and felt energized but the mark is still there.    We met Jack outside. The greatest thing of all and the one thing that matters was materialized.  We are a family again and no longer separated by distance. A Father, A Mother, and A Child.  It's no longer a dream.  No more BUTs and WHAT IFs.  I am now a 100% Stay At Home Mom.  I miss my parents, my sister, my nephews, ate snoopy, my friends, and Cebu.  They've been my comfort and support all these years and I know they will be forever.

KL has been home for the last two months and I hope for the coming years.  Only God knows what our future will be like here in KL but again, I am thankful to KL and I am thankful for everything. 

Moving on, moving up, and moving forward!

To God be thy glory!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My breaky on this Hazy Tuesday!

        My weekday mornings have started to make a pattern.  I wake up as early as 5:30AM with the help of my very dependable alarm app.   Of course, it is a big drag out from bed but I think the girl inside me is just too obedient and committed to really wake up and start heating up the pans.  As if I can really cook hahaha! 

Jack's veggie wraps and fruits       -       done
Zs' three cheese wrap                  -       done
        Then I remember that I need to cook the remaining pancake flour because I can't wait to use and give the self-raising flour a try.  I can't find my favorite Maya pancake mix brand here in KL, so sad!  I plan to make small pancakes but it didn't make right at first pour so I decided to just pour everything on the pan.  It's still too thick to call it a crepe but not too thick that I can't fold it.  Half of the pancake is reserved for Z and so the half is mine.

        Spread some love of my homemade strawberry jam (will make a separate page for this) to the pancake, folded it half and another half, topped with Hershey's milk chocolate chips, a little maple syrup, grapes, and a teaspoon more of my hmsj. 

        Yum!  It's not as sweet as you might think because the grapes are quite sour and the reason why I am able to make a hmsj because the strawberries are not as sweet as it looked like when we saw it at the grocery. 

Here's My breaky on this Hazy Tuesday!

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Happy, Happy Birthday Bro!  We wish you good health and more bountiful blessings!  Here are your mini-cakes (ehem slices hehehe).  

Cakes are from Komugi.  Hokkaido cheese tart and Strawberry shortcake

Meet Haze

It's warm and sunny but it's undeniably a HAZE-y day here in KL.  I took a picture at 10:58AM yesterday and the Al Burj-alike building was still visible.  At 10:58AM today, I was stunned with what I saw. 

It's a fact that we are not far from Singapore (315KM away) and it's also a fact that Malaysia will not be spared.  But the feeling of being in the situation and seeing the missing buildings that I regularly see everyday is quite alarming and creepy.  My mind is suddenly having these crazy, morbid, and panicky thoughts.  Panic, shoo-shoo away.  So until the haze lifts and be gone, let this be the ultimate guide. 

Health tips to minimize the effect of haze on health.
·                     Reduce outdoor activities.
·                     Avoid smoking.
·                     Drink plenty of water at least 2 liters a day.
·                     Frequent washing of hand and face after outdoor activities.
·                     Seek medical advice.
If you are suffering from asthma or heart disease, please
·                     Make sure you have adequate supply of medicine.
·                     Take your medicine regularly.
·                     See your doctor immediately if your condition worsen.
Who should I consult?
Further information can be obtained from your doctor at:
Environmental Health Unit
Disease Control Division
Ministry of Health Malaysia

I just hope that Indonesia as a whole will be more pro-active and can come up with a much better approach in dealing with their forest fires.  This is not only a one country inconvenience but as well as with the neighboring countries. 

So, this is what a haze is.  Call it a first time then for me and my son Z.

A safety weekend to all of us!

Friday, June 21, 2013

The HEAT is on .. Back to Back Victory


from one person to Perssons ...

        I totally missed the happiest and life changing event of a friend whom I also treat like a sister.  Actually, she's a close friend of my sister Meiann.  As they keep their friendship for ages, the friendship has been extended to me and I am grateful.   Daisy, Anne, Cheryl, and Mary are not difficult to befriend because they are the most funny, alive, talkative, blunt, compassionate, and loyal friends of my sister.  They have their own twisted minds and different personalities but they are who they are.  What I appreciate the most in them is that they respect me ( or they are just afraid of me :), hope not!), my parents, my husband, and treats my son like their own nephew.  They are beyond friends because they are my sisters too! 

        Both engineers of their own field in an American firm.  They both found love then Daisy shared the good news last year that she's getting married.  We were so happy and super excited for her.  Fast forward,

June 20, 2013, Clint and Daisy's wedding day.
At 3:16PM, Daisy walked down the aisle.
At 3:18PM, Clint held Daisy's hand going towards their pew.
At 3:41PM, they had exchanged their wedding vows.
At 3:46, wedding rings on their hand.
And at 4:15PM, from one person to Perssons.

I know we miss something so beautiful but our thoughts were with you as you made your commitments.  Congratulations to you, Clint and Daisy Persson.  We wish you all the best.  Clint, please take care of our Daisy and I hope the monthly bouquets will still be as consistent as it had been.  Daisy, may you'll continue make Clint laugh and "the shows" :).  

And to Ian, sis thanks for sharing the wedding details and for really taking the extra mile of providing me the time stamps I had requested.  I know you had a great time and the party was all but fun, fun, fun.

Good morning everyone.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


"It's Now or Never!", this I told myself.  A lot of reasons, oops! correction but a lot of excuses that is why this page took so long to start.  Laziness and fear to name a few :) but Finally! My journey in the e-world is Now!  I hope one day (who knows!) this page will reach the eyes of Rajo Laurel (famous Filipino fashion designer) and Donna Cruz-Larrazabal (Famous Filipino singer/actress).  Why? Because of the posts they made in IG.  The words gave me the real courage to DO what I so wanted to do.  To Rajo and Donna, thank you.  

Now it's time to "Pay it Forward".  I find the quotes a blessing, so i'm sharing them to all of you with a hope that it can inspire your day.  For those who have already read the quotes before, I think it is meant for a second chance of re-reading and reflection.  

Enjoy the rest of the day.