Thursday, June 27, 2013

moving on, moving up, moving forward!

April 27, 2013.  Two months ago, we flew here in KL.  Z and I are no longer strangers to this country because we are it's frequent visitors for the past years. I felt so agitated that day maybe because it will not be the usual trip like before.  As this time, it will be for a for a long, long while.

When we were on our way to the airport my phone rang and was surprised why my sister was calling so soon.  We had to head back home because one of our bags is still inside the room.  What?! Good thing we were just a kilometer away.  My patience was tested, I took a grip of myself and considered the situation a joke.  We were laughing as we reached home and the laughter shared helped me clear some thoughts and helped me steady a bit. 

Was it for the use of the trolley??! Or for whatever reason it was, I was asked to pay Php 45.00 for all our bags.  I asked the porter if it was already my payment for his service but he said it wasn't nor he benefits from what I paid.  Ggggrrrr!  It seems like travel tax and terminal fees are not enough!  A rip-off!  I am really keeping the district32 acqua water bottle until now because this is worth Php 50.00 for a 250ml size.  No choice and if you have a son you can't deprive him from drinking water. 

The plane was not full but the ride was so bumpy on that afternoon.  We took Cebu Pacific as it is the only airline that has a direct flight from Cebu to KL.  Minutes later and it was snack time.  It has become our tradition to eat noodles while on board.  I think the noodles become more tasteful if we are at sky high and you get to appreciate it more because it's pricey hehehe.  Anything can happen! And forever it will be remembered.  The noodles were served.  I turned around to put my cup on the other stow table then it happened so fast.  The plane jerked, I heard a groan, hot water splashed on Zs' chest and abdomen?!  I didn't panic.  I was brink of tears but I had to show strength to help him pacify the pain.    My son's chest was so red.  He was in tears, who wouldn't.  Cebu Pacific has no First Aid Kit and I don't know if they even have a First Aid training.  Since it's impossible to have a running water I asked for ice.  At least, the stewardess gave me enough ice, placed it in a plastic bag, provided a box of tissue and comforting words to Z.  It was the best that she could do but I was thankful.  I'm also thankful that there is this thing called melting process because it really helped a lot.  Every drop of cold water was a gift.  Since it was painful to put something of weight on his chest, I used a wet tissue.  The colder the tissue the better it was.  After sometime the redness was cleared at his abdomen part with the ice pack.  We changed his shirt but continued to put cold tissue on his chest.  With his guardian angel's help, he was calmed to sleep for awhile then as I re-checked the redness was gone but there was a noticeable birth mark-like that was left around 2 inches in length.  It was a very unfortunate experience. Buying noodles again? Yes but this time I'll bring a dependable non-spill container to avoid this scenario in the future.

As the plane gained speed and while Z was asleep, I had my chance to be on thoughts and enjoyed the moment watching nature at its best from our window.  I turned on the review button in my mind and looked back. It took me years to come up with a decision because I was so fickle-minded, it was like a step forward and 3 steps backward moments then.  I have been asking God for signs if I should or should not pursue the move.  I can't really pinpoint if they were the signs I asked from Him because the manifestations were not that direct or concrete enough.  I took time to really reflect and weighed things over.  Knowing what truly matters and what my heart truly desires helped me simplify things. With my impatience, I was so blinded with a lot of things.  In the long run and with the many years I have waited, only did I realize that those years were indeed not wasted as I thought they were.  God helped me prepare and to be more prepared.  I trusted Him and so things are in its proper places.  When He thinks that I have already established a foundation in me, that I was able to condition myself well and I have known deep in my heart that things will no longer be the same he allowed the moment to happen.  We are one step closer.  We are moving in.

Z woke up and felt energized but the mark is still there.    We met Jack outside. The greatest thing of all and the one thing that matters was materialized.  We are a family again and no longer separated by distance. A Father, A Mother, and A Child.  It's no longer a dream.  No more BUTs and WHAT IFs.  I am now a 100% Stay At Home Mom.  I miss my parents, my sister, my nephews, ate snoopy, my friends, and Cebu.  They've been my comfort and support all these years and I know they will be forever.

KL has been home for the last two months and I hope for the coming years.  Only God knows what our future will be like here in KL but again, I am thankful to KL and I am thankful for everything. 

Moving on, moving up, and moving forward!

To God be thy glory!

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