Monday, August 12, 2013

August 9 .. a day of celebrations personal and national

          The day started with a little rush.  It was a real push to get up, shower, get dress and celebrate mass which is always the right thing to do in every special occasion to give thanks to the Almighty One above.  My boys thought the mass starts at 7:30AM toink! The first misunderstanding of the day.  Whew!  It was the quickest walk ever to the church on that early morning and a sheer relief because the rosary was still being prayed so there was still a few minutes prior to mass. 

          It was 5 minutes to 8:00AM when we reached Corus Hotel this is where the bus is located.  There was no time to eat breakfast at home so we tried the hotel's a la carte.  Zs' koko crunch with cold milk, hot milk, and croissant came.  Then Jack's continental breaky.  After 20 minutes my Mee Siam fried noodles is still nowhere to be found!  I started to get edgy and upon follow-up the waitress forgot to serve it.  Weeeeeehh! It was the 2nd challenge of the day. 

          At exactly 9:04AM the bus roared to life and the road trip started.  Hmmmm, the upper deck of the bus held most of the passengers and only 2 were down.  Two crews on-board namely the bus driver slash bellman and the female attendant or stewardess.  They were both good and efficient on their jobs.  The Aeroline bus is well-kept with a toilet (more for peeing but if it can't be helped, inform first the stewardess else... ) and a cute pantry.  The chair was comfortable and despite that its made of leather you can't feel any inconvenience at your back and the aircon was pretty much working.  There was an attached head support and a small pillow provided.  You can recline the seat as well as the calf support.  Per seat has an individual screen -- movies, music, pictures and games which both adult and child can enjoy to each preference.  My headphone was not working well, good thing I have my own.  A bottled water is put ready in front of you.  Food was served and I liked the simple delish menu -- a sandwich, a croissant, an orange fruit and a choice of coffee or tea or hot chocolate.  You can also charge your phone/gadgets on board.  We made a 20 minute stopover after 2 hours I think of drive but sorry I can't remember now the name of the place if it was Pandu or Padu (memory gap?! ouch!).

          We need to get off the bus for Malaysia Immigration and it was the 3rd tease of the day.  One group took a long time coming out from the immigration.  I think one has a problem with his passport or whatsoever and after almost 45minutes of waiting they were asked by Aeroline personnel to get their stuff so the bus can proceed.  We thought it will be turbo in great scale as we approached Singapore Immigration.  The lane where we queued at only has 1 personnel and servicing 2 queues, such a wrong choice of counter, 4th teaser and we were 2nd to the last to board the bus.  Yes! our road trip was super delay.  We reached Harbourfront past 3PM where ETA should have been 2PM.  It was like a maze going to the hotel, the 5th teaser of the day.  We don't know where we were going hahaha good thing there was a map at Ion Orchard but Jack has to come down again and take a picture of the map going to our hotel because we thought we have a photographic memory, too much confidence!  Along with it we have to look for the correct underpass which could take us to Wheelock Place.  We were running out of time and bang!  I forgot to pack Zs' long sleeves and he can't wear a shirt to the event!  Panicky me, number 6 challenge of the day.  We have no choice but buy him a new one.  Open sesame! It's settled, straight from the stockroom and in wrinkles to Zs' body.  The challenges didn't stop in number 6 .... argh! 

7.  Taxi was very elusive on that afternoon and it was an unnerving moment already.  When it rains, it floods! waaaaaahhhh!

8.  It was Singapore's National Day so there were closed roads within the area of Promenade and Marina Bay.  The taxi dropped us at Marina Square and he gave us unfortunately an impossible route as it was not passable too.

9.  Good thing we approached the young man in camouflage and he told us to take the Promenade MRT to Bayfront and whew! we reached Marina Bay Sands.  But it was also a crazy walk and look for the MRT station and my god!  It was 10th to the power crowded in the train stations and in Marina Bay Sands.  What makes this number 9?  Ggggrrrr, it was jam packed and there are still people who can afford to walk like a zombie.  I wasn't able to hold my reins anymore I moved hastily to push the guys before me and I said loudly, too slow, too slow.  Because if I didn't do it, we would have been left behind and what? wait for the next train? no way, highway!

10.  After checking the theater's location, we need to eat ASAP as we were adviced to be at the theater before 7:30PM to avoid long queues as it was a full house day.  It was so difficult to find a restaurant even a table and chair specially at the food court.  Z was already throwing his tantrums, Jack was in his last straw of patience, and I was starting to get cranky too.  Glad I took a gamble.  I told them we'll eat whatever we can find at Cold Storage because it's impossible to be choosy now.  We were saved by the sausages and the different simple maki of Cold Storage and guess where we ate?  At the entrance of the store in between Cold and another shop.  Just imagine me in a dress and my boys in their rolled-up sleeves .  We had a good laugh of ourselves while munching and what a dinner for our 10th year wedding anniversary but it was a unique eats.  It beats our Jollibee lunch during our 1st year wedding anniversary .

the super crowded foodcourt
where we had our dinner :) 

          After all the avalanche and glitches of the day we deserved to sit for the next hours.  The highlight of the day and how we have celebrated the milestone was really worth the wait and I can't ask for more.  It was beyond English literature, beyond books, beyond movie, and beyond reviews.  Our day ended magnificently as we watched "Phantom of the Opera" at Marina Bay Sands.  The play was absolutely a dream come true for me, I was too happy beyond words to be there and watch it live, I was too grateful that Jack gave us that wedding anniversary gift, and that one moment in time.  I really had goose bumps when the show started hehehe and Phantom (Brad Little as Erik) for me had the best voice among all the characters.  Claire Lyon as Christine Daaé, she has a good voice too but I think I'm still mesmerized with Emmy Rossum's.  The costumes were lavish, colorful, and beautiful.  I thought the chandelier will really break apart hehehe oh well, it fell but didn't really had a great smashing pumpkin or to that effect.  I so love the scene transitions specially when they created the water out of the white smokes.  Indeed it was a full house and we took the opportunity to have our souvenir picture with the tarpaulin hehehe it was for a good cause anyway.  All the sales will be donated to a cancer organization in Singapore.  Still, the show deserves all the extended applause and 1 bucket list is now off the hook.
                                           viewers exiting ... after the show

          It was a very long and exhausting day.  Z slept as the musical show was on it's last 20minute run.  He was such a dear to be with us on that night and he was not the only child who was there too My marriage to Jack for the past 10 years is so like the happenings of that August 9, 2013.  There were peaks and valleys, laughter and tears, milestones and struggles and for sure it goes with other couple too.  But if we know how to trust and believe in God, we shall not go astray.  We also have to trust, respect, believe, and be committed to our spouses in order to have a lifetime and resilient marriage.  Marriage is a "Give and Take" and it is always a work in progress. 

          I am so committed to share the events of our wedding anniversary and wow! now it's past 2:00AM .  And ahem it's already my birthday! yahooooooo!!!!  How old?  My age stopped a long time ago so bother not. ☺.

Gotta hit the pillows now and may you have a good day today!  Sorry my page is too long but I hope you have picked up something.  ☺☺☺.  Thanks to my family and friends for the anniversary messages and mwah.  


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