Saturday, August 3, 2013

on our own today

Usually, it's the 3 of us who go to Mid Valley for Zs' violin class every Saturday afternoon.  Today, only me and Z made it because Jack attends a post-birthday party of a colleague.  We can't tag along because we will be out of place.  It's our first time to go to Mid Valley and came home on our own too.  Well, there's always a first time and at last it happened this afternoon.  It was both a good thing and a bad thing. 

Bad thing:
1.  No couple date today.
2.  No splurge at the grocery because the financer is not present hehehe. 
3.  I have to carry all the things bought from the grocery. 

Good thing:
1.  It was exciting because we (A&Z) were on our own.   It was only A & Z that hired a cab and confidently asked the cab driver "Mid Valley?".  With a question mark because some drivers do not go there or they are not familiar with the place specially if they are not from the city center.   

2.  It gave me some kind of confidence.    

3.  I was able to do some errands on my own within the time frame of Zs' class and we're able to come home earlier than from previous Saturdays.  While at the grocery I found this limited edition of Mentos.  What makes this chewy dragees a secret?
                                 sssshhhhhh ... lemon, lime, and orange?! ☺

4.  Jack deserves a time-off and to enjoy.  It's his Saturday night out with 
colleagues not as co-workers but as drinking buddies.  He needs it to shed some toxics that we're giving him hehehe and he does it very scarcely too so I support him

                               so, so, so ... this is their dinner.  was sent via viber. 

If only I wasn't so excited to go home and order pizza for dinner then we would have waited for the free shuttle bus going to Bangsar train station.  This would makes me feel more confident hehe .

So while Jack is on his partying, we have our pizza party too ... yum! 

                            A & Zs' dinner ☺☺☺☺.  savings RM23.80 it's 1 pizza free.

Bye for now!  Mr. Wash is done and it's my turn to hang the clothes. 

So, what do you think will the party ends?! wwweeeeeehhhhh!! ☺☺☺☺☺☺

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