Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Tuesday and last day of 2013

It's the last Tuesday of 2013 and one by one I hear firecrackers booming from a distance. As we await for the rise of 2014 there are still last minute carollers singing their hearts out and I'm sure like my Mother is busy preparing for the New Year's Eve meal. Hehehehe me?! Busy tinkering the keypad to finish this last post for 2013.

A lot of NEW thoughts are swimming in my thoughts but I am not making any resolutions for the new year. I choose to look up, look within, and look forward. The detractors, manipulators, movers and shakers will continue to live around me. How my 2014 will turn out to be will depend on how I will handle every passing situation. I'm past the adjustment period, past the "testing the waters" frame and past denial stage. 2014 is a full-pledge Reality :)!

Cheers to 2014:
- for more blessings.
- for healthier body and sound mind.
- for a happier and calm state of heart and thoughts.
- for a stronger family bond, tighter friendship ties, and deeper faith in God.
- for more love, respect, and understanding of ourselves and with our loved ones.

How fast I may run in 2014, may I always find time to slow down and appreciate everything in life --- the joys and its shortcomings. And I hope you will too. Hiyaaaa!!! :)

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