Sunday, December 1, 2013

On the 1st day of December

          The waiting is over for Z.  He has been very excited for this 1st day of December.  It's all about Santa Claus, Christmas stocking, and daily gifts. I told him that Santa only give gifts to children who have been good the whole year through and which starts 12 days before Christmas Day.  But with confidence and certainty he said "No, it's on December 1 just like last year.  Santa started giving me something from December 1 until on Christmas Day."  Well, who am I to argue?!

As we busied ourselves with our routines this morning prior for church ....

Me      :  Merry Christmas Z!
Z        :  Happy 1st of December!
Me      :  Have you received anything?
Z        :  I haven't check. 

He stood up from the dining table and ... 

Z        :  Na-a!

It is not only Z who has received a gift from Santa but me too.  Seeing his face wearing that genuine smile and such happy face while holding his 1st gift out of that stocking brought wonderful feelings to me.  His reaction sent waves of contagious good vibes and early morning happiness.

Me      :  Happy?
Z        :  Yes!

While eating his chocolate lolly after lunch.

Me      :  Z, what if Santa will give you the same gift everyday?
Z        :  Okay ra. 

And went back eating his lolly.

          As we neared the church's main entrance this morning, we saw a lady hanging cards on a customized tree and across her is a big hamper called "Hamper of Joy".  It's like a Christmas wish tree and those hanging cards are the wishes.  I asked Z to pick a card randomly and not read the content.  While he was doing his "Inky Pinky Ponky, Father has a donkey.  Donkey dies, Father cries.  Inky Pinky Ponky!" thingy, I got the chance to converse with the lady.  She's also a Filipina from Dumaguete her name is Marites and she works here as a DH.  I asked her if she's going home this Christmas and she said "I have just been here for 4 months, I haven't had a day-off, I don't have a cell phone (part of the Agency's contract), and I have a 4 years contract".  I asked if her bosses are good to her.  It took her a pause before she continued and said "o, buotan ra man sad."  When Z got the card I bid her goodbye and told her "Okay, see you around then".  I do hope I can see her next week again for another round of smiles and an exchange of "Hi-Hello", it's the least that I can do.  Definitely, she's in my Christmas list and in my prayers.

          Zs' wishing card says "Darker skin colour knee length lady stocking" with notation blind ... blind ... blind.  As for me it's from a 70 year old Auntie wishing for a 1kg Anlene (softpack) and single bed sheet with pillow case.  Before I got my wish card I was reading thru the other cards (I didn't follow what I told Z, I was just curious, okay?! ).  The 1st card I read was wishing for 3 packs of 3-in-1 Nescafe coffee and a Darlie toothpaste then I was browsing the others.  There were wishes of school uniforms, school shoes, bed sheets, pillow cases, magnifier glass, thermos, and etc.  I went searching back to my 1st picked card then a Mom said "don't read just pick one", hahaha I panicked.  Found the 1st card and loosen up the ribbon.   When I re-read it, my pupils dilated as it was not the 1st wish card bwahahahaha.  Then I told Jack and Z that this is not the card I first held but I think it's destiny or the card has spoken to me to get it.  I didn't get to choose the card but it chose me.  Hmmm!  Perspective! bwahahahaha.

May your 1st day of December has brought you good vibes and more reasons to be thankful for.  My count down to Christmas Day officially starts now! ☺☺☺

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