Sunday, January 19, 2014

We're not missing the beat! Viva! Pit Senyor!

Thanks to for the live stream of Sinulog 2014 because of it we are not missing the beat! Viva! Pit Senyor!  The streaming is not seamless or not perfect but at least for sometime it cured the homesick feeling.  As I heard the famous Sinulog drum beats it lighten up my mood.  I can't join with the merry making but the joy of the Sinulog rhythms were enough to help me finish preparing our lunch and dinner meals. Hehehe.

Among all other festivities back home it is this Feast of Snr. Santo Niño that is the one closest to my heart.  As the feast approaches, a lot of fond memories from the past were slowly played back to life in my mind.  I am too grateful that Mama made me experience the festivity year after year, rain or shine because I have memories to go back to. I made it a point last year that the whole family will get to participate in the traditional day-before procession and enjoy watching the crowded street parade though we missed the fluvial not that bad enough.

Thank you Snr. Sto. Niño for the protection and miracles you have showered Cebu. Thank you for cradling the world in your tiny palm.  Thank you for giving everyone the reason to be festive and honor you today.  Pit Senyor!

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