Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Tuesday and last day of 2013

It's the last Tuesday of 2013 and one by one I hear firecrackers booming from a distance. As we await for the rise of 2014 there are still last minute carollers singing their hearts out and I'm sure like my Mother is busy preparing for the New Year's Eve meal. Hehehehe me?! Busy tinkering the keypad to finish this last post for 2013.

A lot of NEW thoughts are swimming in my thoughts but I am not making any resolutions for the new year. I choose to look up, look within, and look forward. The detractors, manipulators, movers and shakers will continue to live around me. How my 2014 will turn out to be will depend on how I will handle every passing situation. I'm past the adjustment period, past the "testing the waters" frame and past denial stage. 2014 is a full-pledge Reality :)!

Cheers to 2014:
- for more blessings.
- for healthier body and sound mind.
- for a happier and calm state of heart and thoughts.
- for a stronger family bond, tighter friendship ties, and deeper faith in God.
- for more love, respect, and understanding of ourselves and with our loved ones.

How fast I may run in 2014, may I always find time to slow down and appreciate everything in life --- the joys and its shortcomings. And I hope you will too. Hiyaaaa!!! :)

2010 to 2013

2010 - the year when another re-organization happened in our Department (way back when I was still an employee).

2011 - was the year when I decided to take a major decision. This was the year when I had a real argument with myself, thought things over, prepared, created a new mindset as reality struck and finally I gave up to the whole idea of asking for signs. I instead took the liberty to create a different basis of reasoning or dependency of when and why to give up my career.

2012 - the year when the final decision was nailed and stamped. As Khaled Hosseini quoted on his book "Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting."  It was indeed an agony to wait hehehe.

2013 - is the year of executing the years plan. I slowly moved away from the daily normal life and savour every bit of the remaining work experiences in between my whims and whining. This year is like opening a box where a joker springs up and .... Surprise!! It has been from one surprise to another, some are expected and some are simply jaw dropping. There are tearful moments out of sheer happiness and tearful moments from complete exhaustion and frustration. There are points of giving up but more bullets to just keep on-going. I lost financial figures but gained more lasting and precious moments with Jack and Z. Through and through, my heart is overflowing with gratitude and praise. In the next 23 hours, 2013 shall excuse itself and before it does let me shout these words .....


our families, our friends, the strangers met along the way, the readers, the opportunities (to read, travel, give & receive, communicate) and to everyone else who has touched my life. 2013 has been a great test of my character, a year of humbling experiences, additional roles, and a year of heartbreaking news.

Thank you 2013 for everything! Good Morning! :)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

From our family to yours

To all our relatives and friends both near and far a Merry Christmas to all of you!  May goodness and peace fill your hearts.  To God be thy glory!  

Home Sweet Home

Coming home for the Holidays is in every Filipinos heart regardless if it means bringing home more bacon or just oneself.  We love to come home because we want to be with our families and friends as we celebrate Christmas and New Year.

As the flight booking is completed there is no looking back and officially, countdown begins. Last minute purchases are unavoidable, packing becomes a challenge and what's more the unending cycle of packing and unpacking to avoid excess baggage episodes at the check-in counter.  But who says it's a new issue?  If ever I will have a New Year's Resolution, on top of my lists would be -- 1. Pack lightly. 2. No more last minute purchases.  Hahaha is this like asking for the moon to come down? ☺ 

Thank God for the safe travel and we're Home Sweet Home!  We're back to our roots and it feels so good to be cradled back in the arms of our family.  How I miss the comfort of my bed, the snoopy linens and my room.  Oh!  Now that I'm back, I am ruining the room's tidiness but I so appreciate the new light, it's a lot cooler now than before although it's dimmer but I am too happy to complain.  Naks!  Home is a lot noisy since we arrived but with all the laughter and innocent giggles it's both a feat and a blessing.

After a few days from touchdown one by one Zs' to-do list are checked and done.  Do you want a copy of his list?  Here's a glimpse ☺:

1. Pancake and hotdog for breakfast on arrival date.
2. Chorizo
3. Jollibee
4. Pork adobo and the list goes on.

One at a time I have met my friends and marked x my list too.  Our lists differ but as each bullet list is crossed out, each item shines like a star that brightly lit our hearts.  They are like magic beans that we now eagerly collect which we may one day scoop out to give us energy in the next year's adventure.  As for Jack, he is at his own pace and heart content -- no pressure, no list, just calm and relax as always.

I am happy to see the upgraded traffic lights in Mandaue, the on-going road widening at Canduman, the newly opened establishments and restos, the rising buildings, and the great number of church goers during the Misa de Gallo.  What blows me away are the long queues at the taxi stands and the pressing and torturing traffic jams. I can't believe how populated Cebu has become both people and vehicles.  We used to reach Ayala Center in 30-45mins from our house but now it takes us 1 hour 30 minutes and the jam is everywhere. Even riding a jeepney is a struggle.  What the!  Partly could be of the season!?  The good thing is I don't drive but I have to give my travel time a great ample of time.  And oh another thing which I don't find too friendly is the sprouting of gasoline stations especially along Canduman and Talamban.  Scarey!  Don't you think so?

Again, it's good to be back!  Home Sweet Home Cebu, yahooo!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

First on First

        There are reasons why some things have to happen and why certain rules have to change.  The reasons may not always present immediately but when it do it helps one to widen more his or her way of thinking.

        I was emotional (not that I cried) but worry and inconvenience were the apt words to describe my feelings when I knew that the previous school of Z decided to change the communicants grade level.  Traditionally and based on experience it is in Grade 2 that the Holy Sacrament of Communion is to be received but they changed it to Grade 3.

        Since we moved out, the idea of Z receiving the First Holy Communion as a group was dismissed.  I did fear that Jack and I will not be able to execute what is expected of us as Catholic parents.  Good thing the fear is now a thing of the past.  I am so thankful for my Papa Lito and Mama Lucy for the help they have extended to us.  My Father has been our source and the ultimate mover and shaker for Z to have his Catechism and Confession yesterday.  Today at the Misa de Gallo, Z had his First Communion.  Thanks to Ms. Lory Angot as Zs' Catechist and Fr. Lito of Our Lady of the Nativity Parish in Canduman for allowing it to happen.  This is Ms. Lory's first time to arrange a special Holy Communion and this is also a first time for the Parish to hold a special Holy Communion request. 

        Z might have not celebrated it the traditional way but having done the tradition of receiving the 3rd Sacrament is what truly matters.  His journey as a Catholic still goes a long way and as parents it is our duty and responsibility to ensure guidance and observance of the Catholic traditions. 

Let us have a quick review on The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church:

  1. Baptism
  2. Penance or Reconciliation
  3. Eucharist or Holy Communion
  4. Confirmation
  5. Matrimony
  6. Holy Orders
  7. Anointing of the Sick

Saturday, December 7, 2013

T1 is Out

It's time to celebrate and relax as Term 1 is out -- Officially!  

I'm far and beyond super happy.  Five o' clock morning alarm is on ceasefire, yehey!  I'm sure Z owns this day and he owns the bigger chunk of the happiness.  All his hard work has paid off.  He also got good reviews from his Teachers that truly inspires us his parents to also do more for him.  Unlike his previous schools, there is no class ranking and no Grading Period Average.  Certainly, we are very happy with his performance in T1.  I think Z and I need to dance more while Jack and Z need to play chess more too hehehe.  

Thank you God for this and Thank you Z for exerting all the efforts to do good and be good at school.   Good Job Z! 

Happy Parents :)

Pavilion Junior Masquerade Ball 2013

One of the e-mail messages I received yesterday morning was from Pavilion Junior where Z is a member.  Every month their Marketing e-mails a monthly invite for a member exclusive activity but for limited slots only.  With no high hopes or whatsoever emotion, I just clicked on the RSVP here link.

Surprise, surprise!!!

Yehey!  Finally, Z can experience a Masquerade Ball as I got him a slot for the event. Hmmm, he needs a mask!  DIY mode is now active and will pick up later the needed materials.  As to his costume?  Modern day Prince hehehe in short no elaborate and expensive costume.     

For your child to be a Pavilion Junior Member:

  FREE MEMBERSHIP PACK with purchase of RM100 in a single receipt centre-wide.  
Open to children between 4 to 12 years old. 

For more details just please visit their page -- http://www.pavilion-kl.com/content/happenings_event_promotion.php?eid=39 

Upon membership your kid will receive a welcome kit.  The kit includes the Temporary Member ID card and discount coupons of participating stores.  Mostly it's 10% discount on -- Food & Beverage, Gifts/Souvenirs/Toys & Hobbies/Home Decor & Furnishings/Travel Agency, and Beauty & Personal Care/Convenience, Household & Living/Fashion -- again for participating shops only.  

Good thing our purchase was a need and the membership was just an added bonus!

Have a relaxing Saturday everyone!

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Sun Catcher

While we are under the radar of daily rain, thunder, and gloomy skies that has been on for days this is a perfect eye thing to hang by the window.   For now, it can't catch the sun's rays but worthy enough that it has caught our attention and we became recipients of its energetic, contagious smile.  The colours have surely brighten up the grey skies, warms the heart, and sending out a message saying "something nice will always pop up when things seem too pale or unbecoming." 

To at least give my son a little kick in the mornings and put little creativity to work on rainy days twice this week breakfast were ....

Tues - a mickey mouse inspired shaped pancake with a letter Z shaped pancake on top and peeled apple

Thurs - still a mickey mouse shaped pancake and letter Z, sliced orange his fave, and bacon.  

And now my tummy is growling.  Enjoy your Friday ☺!!!!

Hoping for a sunny weekend!  Thanks Santa for Zs' sun catcher.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

On the 1st day of December

          The waiting is over for Z.  He has been very excited for this 1st day of December.  It's all about Santa Claus, Christmas stocking, and daily gifts. I told him that Santa only give gifts to children who have been good the whole year through and which starts 12 days before Christmas Day.  But with confidence and certainty he said "No, it's on December 1 just like last year.  Santa started giving me something from December 1 until on Christmas Day."  Well, who am I to argue?!

As we busied ourselves with our routines this morning prior for church ....

Me      :  Merry Christmas Z!
Z        :  Happy 1st of December!
Me      :  Have you received anything?
Z        :  I haven't check. 

He stood up from the dining table and ... 

Z        :  Na-a!

It is not only Z who has received a gift from Santa but me too.  Seeing his face wearing that genuine smile and such happy face while holding his 1st gift out of that stocking brought wonderful feelings to me.  His reaction sent waves of contagious good vibes and early morning happiness.

Me      :  Happy?
Z        :  Yes!

While eating his chocolate lolly after lunch.

Me      :  Z, what if Santa will give you the same gift everyday?
Z        :  Okay ra. 

And went back eating his lolly.

          As we neared the church's main entrance this morning, we saw a lady hanging cards on a customized tree and across her is a big hamper called "Hamper of Joy".  It's like a Christmas wish tree and those hanging cards are the wishes.  I asked Z to pick a card randomly and not read the content.  While he was doing his "Inky Pinky Ponky, Father has a donkey.  Donkey dies, Father cries.  Inky Pinky Ponky!" thingy, I got the chance to converse with the lady.  She's also a Filipina from Dumaguete her name is Marites and she works here as a DH.  I asked her if she's going home this Christmas and she said "I have just been here for 4 months, I haven't had a day-off, I don't have a cell phone (part of the Agency's contract), and I have a 4 years contract".  I asked if her bosses are good to her.  It took her a pause before she continued and said "o, buotan ra man sad."  When Z got the card I bid her goodbye and told her "Okay, see you around then".  I do hope I can see her next week again for another round of smiles and an exchange of "Hi-Hello", it's the least that I can do.  Definitely, she's in my Christmas list and in my prayers.

          Zs' wishing card says "Darker skin colour knee length lady stocking" with notation blind ... blind ... blind.  As for me it's from a 70 year old Auntie wishing for a 1kg Anlene (softpack) and single bed sheet with pillow case.  Before I got my wish card I was reading thru the other cards (I didn't follow what I told Z, I was just curious, okay?! ).  The 1st card I read was wishing for 3 packs of 3-in-1 Nescafe coffee and a Darlie toothpaste then I was browsing the others.  There were wishes of school uniforms, school shoes, bed sheets, pillow cases, magnifier glass, thermos, and etc.  I went searching back to my 1st picked card then a Mom said "don't read just pick one", hahaha I panicked.  Found the 1st card and loosen up the ribbon.   When I re-read it, my pupils dilated as it was not the 1st wish card bwahahahaha.  Then I told Jack and Z that this is not the card I first held but I think it's destiny or the card has spoken to me to get it.  I didn't get to choose the card but it chose me.  Hmmm!  Perspective! bwahahahaha.

May your 1st day of December has brought you good vibes and more reasons to be thankful for.  My count down to Christmas Day officially starts now! ☺☺☺

Saturday, November 30, 2013

"our little white tree by the belen"

You can't see that at home because it's not our Christmas decoration☺.  It was three weeks ago when my friend Tonet dropped me a message saying "our lil wyt tree by the belen" and that picture above. Wow!  Isn't it pretty and neat?

I replied back and showed her our premature decoration.  I didn't notice it until she said "wow! nindot ka-ayo! imu faith ... amu love ... fwends gyud ta ... tan-awa ang words sa ato belen."  They have Love and we have Faith in our belen, cool!  She gave me the motivation to finish ours and I thank her for that!  Finally, this is what we have now.  

Thanks to my Christmas elves --- Jack for engineering the origami Christmas trees and Z for lending some of his Lego miniature people to join with my Lego people and Christmas set.  Thanks Z for allowing me to use the printed origami papers which are intended for different designs.  

Why a lot of trees?  I think because I miss our Christmas tree in Cebu that has been with us since 2004, that is why I have a lot of it now only in small sizes.  The glass tree on the left side beside the barbecue grill is already 6 years old.  It's the first and only Christmas tree in this unit for years.  At last this year, it's no longer standing on its own because it has multiplied ☺ and in different colours.  

                  Indeed, "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pavilion's Christmas Wonder

          It was like a quick escape from the depressing thoughts of what is currently happening in my country Philippines and a good treat of magical hours of transformation spent as we strolled around the Pavilion mall yesterday.  Where Christmas is not highly celebrated in this place it is a real joy, a   thrill, and sort of an efficacy of whatever blues I have in me as I see  the posh and beautiful Christmas ornaments,  impressive designs, and dreamy Christmas settings at this mall.  Certainly, one that supersedes all other Christmas decorated malls in KL is the Pavilion.  It always has the best in visual and Christmas feel that massively attracts both residents and tourists.  This year it's theme is Christmas Wonder or simply IMO it's White Christmas.   On stage at the Centre Court is a huge white Christmas tree with blue lights snowflakes beside a blue touch coloured roof white house and in front of the house are a snow covered reindeer and Christmas trees.  Below the stage are big green Christmas trees in variant wonderful trimmings, a Santa's sleigh and 2 reindeers, a carousel with lights (RM5 for a ride), big green Christmas trees at the staircases leading to the centre, white Christmas lights, angels and choirs.  They even made an effort to create snow and we were just in time to witness it as they released the snow effects.  There were models or characters for picture taking and a little later a live performance of Christmas tunes.  In front of the entrance are white polar bears and trees.  Outside the entrance is a Christmas tree like villa with more Christmas trees, lights and poinsettias.  For more activity details just visit this page http://pavilion-kl.com  if interested ☺.

top view 

          I know there is more to Christmas and what Christmas really means but the child in me can never contain her excitement when the word Christmas pops up matched with all these visuals .   To a happy weekend.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11.12.13 -- wish and hope

          The pictures are enough proof of how heart breaking November 8 was. The pictures perfectly described how traumatic and devastating Yolanda's visit.  Yolanda, the name each Visayan can't forget. 

          A ripple of help starts to circulate that became great waves of commitment from both local and around the world.  Everyone is helping out, the bayanihan spirit is intact.  Prayers, encouragements, thoughts, and various fundraising activities are done or extended.  The Filipinos are not alone in this battle of rebuilding homes and lives of those who are badly affected because amazingly, the world is with us.  Blinding figures have been pledged and posted.

          The road to recovery is still a long way to go.  Issue after issue is now piling up.  Packing, dropping, and shipping of relief goods to give a momentary comfort is still on the works for other places.  A friend who has survived the disaster said relief goods have not reached them yet.  Whatever food is left, they are shared with their employees at the moment.  I just hope, assistance arrives at a nick of time.

          On this day 11.12.13, I wish and hope:

  • that all monetary donations from in and outside the country will really reach the pockets of the victims.  (www.newsflashorg/2004/02/hl/h112652.htm)
  • that people will stop complaining instead be grateful and just be patient.
  • that those followers in various social networking sites they will just mind their own business. If other people are insensitive let them be, that is their choice anyway.  If rich people prefers their vanity let them be for sure they have done their part in extending help just without our knowing.  Before we criticise and complain other people's actions or postings, let us ask ourselves first if we have donated or done something.  Whatever other people posts it's their right as it's their own page, their own decision to post it, and their choice if they want to make things lighter as a diversion or for whatever their reason is. 
  • that all these money will not only end up as relief goods. 
  • that every cent will be accounted for and transparency to the highest level will be shown.  This is not the 1st time that our country has suffered from all natural disasters and this is not the 1st time that financial assistance are extended from everywhere.  Let no issue of "we have not receive any aid" news surfaces again.
  • that someone will lead to make reliable building plans and build homes for everyone that has gone homeless. 

     I always believe that Filipinos are survivors and no matter how depressing any situation is we can still afford to smile, shrug off, and move forward.  With God all things are possible.


Friday, November 8, 2013

November 8, 2013 - Powerful Yolanda

On this day of the World's strongest storm of the year or ever in history that hits my birthplace and nearby places, this I hang on to. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

steamy and cheesy Friday the 31st

The most anticipated day is here.  It's Friday the 13th oops Friday the 31st, the last day of the month, pay day, and another happy, happy day.  It was so nice seeing the children at school this morning wearing their Halloween costumes.  I spotted Spider Man, Dracula, princesses and witches. I give both the Parents and the children A+ for the effort exerted.  And that includes me and Jack hehehe.  I think the children's excitement as they compare and checks on their costumes has influenced me to do something for my boys too.  
Impromptu act.  I can't remember Ian's puto cheese recipe which we made last time so I had to seek assistance from the net.  And there it was blah blah blah and I started the steam engine.  It's an improvised steamer but as long as it generates steam and produce puto cheese out of the flour, eggs, milk, salt, baking powder, sugar, cheeses then it's super dooper fine and I am grateful enough.    Anyways, the first batch didn't rise as expected because I didn't allow it to rest for awhile but the 2nd and 3rd batches came out just perfect.  I used brown sugar instead the regular white sugar.  Aside from preferences, it's Halloween and I want to deviate from the normal whiteness of the puto cheese.  Although it's a fact that you can make more colors still brown sugar gives out a difference shade.  Eenie-winnie-teenie-hallo-weenie kaboom!  

Happy Halloween everyone!  Meet my Halloween treat for my boys. Yes, it is puto cheese.  It was time to open my Silicone Decoration Pen and put to good use.  Glad it worked with the cheese.  Yes, yes, yes. Those white stuff are made of cheeses.  I mixed the Cream Cheese and Mascarpone Cheese to create the ghosts and web.  Too bad, the chocolate ganache wasn't friendly with the pen or it's the other way around.  Anyways, I'm still able to pull it through and was able to write RIP with a toothpick, awesome! ☺.  It will be Pee Mak Phra Khanong night later so these puto cheese will be a good snackin' with the hot and spicy chips!  

Okay bye for now, it's time to pick up Z from school and let me take a look for another batch of inspiration(s) from the costumes.  Aawwoooo!  Another gloomy afternoon and great!  It's now raining. 

Have fun and be safe.  Don't let Chucky or Freddie scare you away.  

Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween and upcoming Religious Observances

Month after month, one festivity or celebration to the next.   Before this month gives way to it's successor, it just can't pass by without the All Hallows' Eve activities.  Some might have even started their costume parties, trick or treating fun, pumpkin carvings and more. 

          Zs' school is not an exemption as it joins the Halloween celebration band wagon.  They have pushed the sent button last week informing that there'll be a costume parade this 31st of October.  Zs' mind is already set as to what he wants to be this Thursday.  He wants to be a vampire and of course, I am excited.  I guess it's not only me who is excited but Jack too.  C'mon, don't deny it yo!  I saw you browsing the net for costume shops  -- rent or own. 

          Because I'm a doting mother (aka stage Mom), we bought Mentos chewy dragees last Saturday as his Trick or Treats?! to his classmates.  The preparation is still half-way through but it's Zs' part now to do the rest, he has to participate too. Here's a peak.

each child receives 6 pieces of different flavored dragee
Thanks to http://kadenscorner.com for the printable designs.  so cute!

          Then yesterday, we were at Berjaya Times Square and Cool Costumes shop was still closed when we arrived there.  While waiting, we strolled around and looked for an accessory -- a daylight ring.  We like those with stones and skull designs but whoa! too expensive.  We found a ring with a Naruto insignia in a store that sells Korean Pop Stars stuff but we were not entertained properly so we left.  We visited stall after stall until we found one.  It's not that cheap but the cheapest by far and acts both a ring and a watch.  Isn't it cool!  It was hitting 3 birds at the same time because the design was with a skull. Daylight ring, check!  Then I was too excited browsing through CC's array of costumes and found the vampire costume and cape.  Fire starters! My excitement suddenly evaporated along with my blood.  Not that a vampire had landed and took his bite on my neck but what the heck!  MYR200.00 for a CAPE?!  BEE DO BEE DO BEE DO!  Madness!!  To manage our disappointments, we bought another accessory and opted for Plan B.  A pricey plastic fang but glad it's off the list and still into the vampire theme.  Good thing there is this Vampire Diaries series that introduces modern vampires.  At least Z can still go as a vampire, a modern vampire in his modern clothing plus the accessories and let his look and charm do the rest.  Naks! 

          As multi-ethnic and multi-cultural Malaysia is, these are the following Religious Observances come first days of November 2013 that are celebrated or observed accordingly. 

1.  It's a 2 day religious activities for the Roman Catholics all over the world.

November 1 - All Saints' Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. 
November 2 - All Soul's Day.  

Time to remember and visit the cemetery families, friends and relatives who already departed this world.  Most of all may we never forget to offer masses, prayers, and lit candles for them.  I have nice memories during "kalag-kalag" ( kalag = soul).  I had a number of kalag-kalag years spent it in my Mom's hometown in Bohol.  The food offerings or "halad" to the dead which we can't eat not until the prayer has been offered at night time is one of the highlights of the day.  Eating souls' leftover was fun, bizarre but filled with wonderful moments, right?  But to some it remain as food for the dead and left at the altar for more days. 

2.  Deepavali or "Festival of Lights".  This is a Hindu festival that they celebrate for 5 days. 

November 3 - is Diwali or Deepavali Day.  In lieu of this, November 4 is declared a holiday for the students only. 

As early as last week there were already fireworks and various programs happening around Little India.  Deepavali decorations we have noticed in establishments and these are beautiful works of art we saw at the malls. 
                       Taken at Lot 10 Mall.  It's made of colored rice grains.  I so love the colours.
                     This one at Pavilion Mall.  Still it's made of rice grains and some with various beans.

As wiki said, "Diwali is one of the most important festivals by the Hindus.  Diwali involves the lighting of small clay lamps filled with oil to signify the triumph of good or over evil.  These lamps are kept on during the night and one's house is cleaned, both done in order to make the goddess Lakshmi feel welcome.  Firecrackers are burst because it is believed that it drives away evil spirits.  During Diwali, all the celebrants wear new clothes and share sweets and snacks with family members and friends".  I wish we will be invited to one and experience a Deepavali celebration. 

3.  November 5 - Awal Muharram.  Like Deepavali this is my first encounter so I have to read Wikipedia to get an overview.  These what I found:

  • Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar and is one of the four sacred months of the year.
  • Muharram means Forbidden derived from the word haram (the letter a with a line on top), meaning sinful. 
  • Some Muslims fast during this day and other Muslim groupings fast differently.
  • Muharram is a month of remembrance.

On this webpage www.publicholidays.com.my/awal-muharram/ it says:

"Awal Muharram also called Maal Hijrah celebrates the beginning of the Islamic New Year, and beginning of ten days of remembrance for the martyrdom of Hussein ibn Ali, Prophet Mohammed's grandson.  During this time, Muslims are forbidden to fight; hence, a time of mourning and peace."

          Definitely, it's going to be a long weekend for me and Z.  Four days in a row to just be lazy and be bed warmers but of course, without forgetting the duties of being an RC.  Jack will be working on Nov. 4 so he'll be so green of jealousy by then hehehe joke! 

It's been a journey of new knowledge as I learn the upcoming local holidays or observances that are significant to this country.  And I look forward to those days and witness how they are practised. 

Good night friends and I hope the Barangay Election at home has been peaceful and could produce a new breed of honest, resilient, and committed public servants to bring in hopeful changes to our country.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

back on track ... 1/2 year ...

October started with so much energy.  I was full of excitement and I had a number of things I looked forward to.  My mind and body were both in sync, counting the days with unending thoughts.  One by one they came and filled my days with sunshine and joy.  As one by one left, a different yet familiar ghosts slowly kicked in.  I hate to face the feeling of dreariness and emotional outbursts but my!  I'm just a woman too good to cry in silence and prefers to remain silent.  I went through a roller coaster of events and emotional moments resulting my absence in updating this space.  Because they are now water under the bridge, I can now share them with you.

1.  Every time Jack comes home for a week long vacation the waiting time moves in a slow motion.  When he is already at home, time moves in so fast like it was just yesterday.  The most dreaded part of saying goodbye comes then he leaves ... zooooom!!  Argh!  It would take me a whole week to recover and this is what I went through when Ian and Kriziann went home after a week long visit.  Kriziann (2 yr old nephew) was a lot to handle!  It was a real topsy-turvy, noisy, scheming, and screaming week at home but it was a hilarious and happy bonding week after all.  As I recall the days now, I only have a smile on my lips and pleasant thoughts as I flip through the memories.  I can never forget how Kriziann:

  • reacts to every thrilling scenes of Atlantis' 1st episode which appears frightening to him.  He cringes and cries yet he continues to watch it till the end.  He was too glued in watching the Pacific Rim.  He finished the movie and he is such a funny boy.  When the scenes became too intense he panicked and cried and still he watches the movie intently. 

  • it was a revelation how a chocolate frap can affect a 2 year old.  He was so high in spirit and very uncontrollable.  He shouted and threw tantrums.  Of course, it was so attention grabbing and embarrassing to the other customers.  So, I asked Ian to let him run around and sweat out to release the frap out from his system.  Whew!  At least, it worked out.  A good relief!  But my! He acted like he was a drunk or one having hallucinations.  Tsk!

  • the toilet episode.  Jack went inside and Kriziann followed.  He never listened as we called his attention to get out.  While Jack peed, he was the audience and said "Uncle" with his innocent grin.  lol.

It was a good time to catch up with my sister.  There were no heart to heart talks and shopping sprees but the company of having her and Kriziann around was heart-warming enough.  It was nice hearing Z and Kriziann laugh together and see them play together.  Fighting is not an estranged word to them but they are not like adults, they can easily get over with the fighting and back to being buddies again.  How time flies!  Their smiling and wacky faces in the photos are contagious and are so fun to look at.

2.  The laptop's hinge broke down and so it was sent for repair as it will cause damage to the cover or worst the LCD later if left neglected.  I might belong to the dark age in terms of updating my space but I prefer using a laptop.  The screen size which I really appreciate, the keyboard, and I don't know I am just so comfortable making my piece in the laptop which my phone can't measure up to.  My phone is also a great tool for me but when it comes to writing, I still prefer a laptop.  Low tech or what, still laptop! .  Another reason to be AWOL from updating.

3.  When I was above ground, way above dreariness and regained my old self something surfaced that shattered the good vibes.  It was a holiday the next day October 15, so I was so spiced up to go out.  I wanted to go to the mall my feet were itching to go out.  I need a breather.  I text Jack if our Monday-Burger-hunt plan will push through since the place we planned to go to is closed on Mondays.  After several exchanges there was no firm and final decision.  From school I told Z to take his snacks, finish his homework immediately, and change clothes because we are going to the mall.  He got his homework, ate his snacks and was glued to the TV.  I checked his homework and since the pictures were a blur I had a hard time identifying some of the pictures.  I resigned and told him to ask his teacher again.  Again and again I told him to move fast as it was past 4PM.  My patience was pushed to the limit and I'm a very impatient person.  I was not anymore interested of going out.  I was too angry and too frustrated.  I didn't talk to both of them.  I busied myself with the chores and went to bed.  I hate what I did but this I reminded myself "If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all."  It appears too childlike of me or too unreasonable but here is my sentiment:
          For many years, I have been in and out of the house because I was a career woman.  Anytime I want to go to the mall, I can.  I am in touch with people, surrounded with people, and mingle with people.  I am not complaining that my life now is just home to school, school to home, home to mall (only as needed), and home to somewhere else because as usual, as needed or whenever we have visitors.  Good for them that they have an office and school to go to.  Whether they love it or hate it, they get to live for a time in a different environment.  Me?  I'm stuck at home!  Me and me alone until it's time for them to come home. 

Yes, self-pity flooded over me.  I got mad and my thoughts were running like crazy.  It's a battle between me an extrovert VS them the introverts.  Sigh!   

4.  Then a bad news.  I received Mama's text message last October 15 at 8:32AM.   The never before strongest earthquake that shook Bohol and Cebu in my whole existence happened.  And this was my last update in my space.  Still, I wasn't talking to my boys.

Next day, I disabled my mute mode and in communication with Jack and Z again.  It was not because of the earthquake episode but because I chose to embrace a different outlook.  I have given myself time and allowed what it wanted to do which was to just shut up.  I had time to think things over, had time to debate with myself, had time to think of activities that could help enrich myself despite setbacks and limited resources and most of all, I prayed.   

Despite all these dramas I am thankful for the pick me up moments that happened afterwards:

1.  Too timely!  Ian sent me some stuff through Kliff who was on a business trip in KL.  A real lift me up package. 

2.  For the first time since I landed in KL, I had my me-moment-lunch accidentally and unexpectedly.  I was already hungry and Kliff was still not done so I ate ahead of him
3.  I enrolled in a workshop but will do a separate write-up.
4.  For the first time, I did something I have never done since relocating.  It was like a "day-off" feeling.  Yes!  A day-off even if it was only for 6 hours.  I had a Me-time!  I was on my own.  I had lunch again on my own!  I was roaming around the mall on my own.  Re-charged?!  Definitely! 
5.  Jack brought home 2 slices of brownie cheesecake even without being asked.  I truly appreciate the gesture. 
6.  Laughter has come home.
7.  Short messages from friends whether from the earthquake that happened, IG postings, and requests as long as it was addressed to me
 -- Monique, Reenah, Imma, Rizza, Lorena, Cha2x, July G., Tonet, Mygie and Tom.
8.  Knowing that my family, friends and relatives are alive and well after the quake and the endless tremors ... what more can I ask for.

Happy 6 months to me and Z here in KL.  I also want to thank those who subscribe to this space or accidentally gets to read my posts.  With all my heart, thank you. 

It's raining here on this calm Sunday but it doesn't mean KL is unhappy that we are here for the longest time hahaha.  God is just pouring down wonderful blessings that's all.  

Be safe everyone and countdown begins until yummylicious' delivery arrives.

Have a great time with your loved ones today !!  Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Anxious .. October 15 earthquake in Bohol & Cebu

It was at 8:32AM today that Mama sent a text message saying a very strong earthquake occurred.  It was the strongest experienced so far by them and the after shocks are endless.  I am worried for them since this morning.  The electricity is back but along with our neighbors they are staying at the street outside our house.  I fear for my parents, nephew (7 months old), friends, relatives, and everyone's safety in Bohol and Cebu.  As per Mama's text as of 7:09 tonight, they got Kynan's crib and brought along a mosquito net.  They turned off the electrical main switch, lock the house, and prefers to stay outside.  The after shocks are bringing eerie feelings as she said.  

As I read the news online and saw the posted 
pictures it brought back the fear and the chaos of Feb. 6's earthquake last year. I am sure the earthquake today is by far the most destructive in both islands in my whole existence. It's so different to be in a state of calamity where your family is just nearby compared to our current set-up.  It is going to be a long night for me and those affected by today's quake.  It doesn't matter if material things go broken and damaged because they are replaceable but lives lost today is the most depressing.  

Lord, please shelter everyone tonight from cold and suspend any incoming rain to affected places.  Keep my family and everyone else safe from the tremors and the destruction brought about by the quake today. Please send thy guardian angels to comfort the sick, the old, and the children.  Please watch over us Lord.  This I pray, Amen. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

1st .. First .. 1

first day of the 10th month ..
first Tuesday of the month ..
first of the 31 days ..
first month of the last quarter ..


Hmmmm.  Where have I stashed my crystal ball?  I want a peak or a run through of my life for this month even just a bit?!  hehehe.  WISH!  How convenient life would that be.  But nah!  Life will then be too mundane, too predictable, and so to the un-side of words. 

I want to do something new this month but I'm still clueless of what that is.  The monthly calendar for this month is ready but only bears the usual weekend acts and Zs' upcoming weekly tests.  I've been sitting for almost 2 hours and not a more sensible thing to do has pop up just the most tempting word "spend" beeping.   Why is it so nice to splurge when budget is for the "need" rather than for the "want"? hehehe.  Whew!  One tough situation of being an adult!  Speaking about spend and temptations ...

1.  I receive a notification text and it says "ISETAN Oct 4-17:  Anniversary Sale Starts!  Members Pre-sale @ Oct 4 blah blah blah".  It's sending an alert! alert! alert! wave to the brain and silly brain is now rocking back and forth replying waves of excitement.  Okay let the excitement consume me now at least there is something to look forward to and as long as it's still at one-alarm level then danger is at kilometers away.   

2.  Brain must have gone through a shake with item 1.  It's like, an earthquake just happened and a tremor afterwards.  Brain has unearthed a forgotten info and now status is remembers. 

Today is 1st!  ting-ning-ning-ning-ning!  Save MYR2.00 with your own tumbler!

Later after school will be our 1st bonding date between Ian and Kriziann and Me and Z -- for this 1st week of October.  So what is your 1st?


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Look Forward To

One thing that keeps me going are the things I look forward to doing -- be it a personal event, opening, completion, something, and anything as long as I'm enthused at.  As September soon exits and October takes over, these are a few things I Look Forward to:

1.  Weekend is one of those things I always look forward to because it means I will not wake up too early, I will not bring Z to school, I will not be home alone, it's mall day, and family bonding.  

2.  This weekend will be extra special, yahooo!  We'll have visitors!  Ian, Kriziann, Kliff, and Trunki (Zs' travel buddy) are coming. Good news, good news, just awesome!

3.  Bonding time with my sister as they'll be here for a week.  Shopping!  Window shopping hahaha but still the same, I am just as excited.  

4.  In the span of six years a lot of constructions have been taking place within the neighborhood.  What truly most excites me is the convenient and impressive access or connectivity of KL Sentral's MRT and LRT stations.  Currently, you need to get out from LRT KL Sentral walk all the way down the street, cross, and make your way to the KL Sentral MRT station.  Once the construction is done you don't need to worry about traffic lights, vehicles, and going up and down.  While the construction is going on, it's a muscle building moment with your baggage as you alight from KL Sentral LRT because you need to use the staircase going down to transfer to MRT or for a bus ride.  Elevator is only going up.  It says in the poster free porter but where is the porter?  If you see one he's either sitting down or busy with his phone.  

that will be the link. from KL Sentral to 1 Sentral then MRT.

5.   The completion and opening of 1 Sentrum(from 1 Sentral) corp office.  Why am I looking forward to this?  Because it means no more construction obstructing the road!  Lookie at the pic, with all those white & orange barriers and machines.  I'm intrigued by panels they are placing outside the building, will it be lamp posts or simply metal stuff decos?  Will let you know then.  

6.  The opening of H&M and Daiso branches at Avenue K because it means they are a lot nearer to KLCC.  Exit KLCC platform, go up, and it's Ave K.  Shallow!☺  Still, I'm looking forward ☺.

7.  Opening of Smiggle, hopefully end of this year.  I want to see all those pinks, knickknacks, school stuff, girly stuff, and kiddie stuff from Australia. ☺

8.  To finish watching "Mistresses S1". I am done with EP1-8 so it leaves me to 5 more episodes.  It's quite an interesting TV series.  It's like reading a book that you can't put down not until you reach the last page.  But I have to pause because I have a son to pick up from school☺.  From my stand, I hate Savi for cheating on Harry but I admire her standing up to her mistake.  Still, I am against the infidelity act and with just 1 mistake it did a great toll on her marriage to Harry.  I can't blame Harry if he can't father what is not his, unless they both agreed in the first place but that's another story.  All the girls are embroiled in their own situation, it's either you cringe with anger from their decisions, sympathize, relate, hate one, love one, judge them and etc.  This is one show I can recommend to my lady friends and this series has a lot to show not just about Mistresses.  

9.  To finish 1 more book in September and reading 2 to 3 books in October.

10.  Re-visit Putrajaya ☺.

11.  October 15.  HOLIDAY!  No work and no school as it's  Hari Raya Qurban.  As read, "it's an important day for all Muslims as they reaffirm their faith with Allah and give thanks to him to the blessings he had showered upon them."  

12.  October!  Jack's birth month.  For the 1st time in 9 years we'll be celebrating it with him together ☺☺.  No party, no frills, no black ties .. just a family gathering and his red wine ☺.  Our presence will be our presents to him (nyahehehehe).  You can't buy that!  
13.  Ending this piece because I said a few and now I've got more than 10 fingers ☺.  

Want to make a list of your own too?  I'm sure if you make your own I Look Forward To list, you'll have more than what I have just enumerated.  

Stay close with your loved ones and have fun!