Monday, July 29, 2013

movie watching ... a back to back

Down the memory lane a bit.  One of the usual boyfriend-girlfriend activity of me and hubby before was movie watching.  It was one of the many reasons why piggy bank was malnourished bwahahaha.  Back to back with it is eat out.  Movie watching lessened when Z came in, priorities changed.  Of course I was not sad.  Sure?!  Yeah! Sure?! Okay, a bit but I think the next years were the worst.  Why?!  Degree of separation.  Movie watching became a scarce thing to do as a couple along with the theater's rate which also sky rocketed over time. 

          Now that distance is a thing of the past, movie watching is back in green.  For now while Z is not of legal age we only watch those with General Audiences (G) or U here in KL and P13 movies.  We also can't afford to watch everything due to financial instability risk factor that involves in too much movie sprees.

          Z and I were on house arrest from Monday to Thursday then bailed out from Friday to Sunday.  Freeeeedoooomm!! Friday was spent with Turbo.  The cinema was like exclusively reserved to us, there were only 18 who watched in that time slot. 

Okay so about the movie.  It was fun and I think it's the first time to have snails in forefront.  The movie is full of quotable quotes and it touched about dreams, dreamers, persistence, siblings, friends and happy endings.  It was a good movie for children and even to adults who might lost touch in their inner dreams and believing that we too CAN despite the negativities surrounding us.  In a way, it ended just like that of the Cars I movie.  When McQueen triumphed, Route 66 blossomed again.  In Turbo, Theo succeeded, gave life and improved business revenues at the strip mall where Dos Bros Taco was situated along with Tito's friends Paz(car mechanic), Bobby and Kim-ly (both shopkeepers).   Should you watch the movie?  Yes, watch it with your family and if you can wait for a free download please do so.  It's a lot more practical.  And, please don't forget to remind your children that this is just an animated movie. It's only in a cartoon movie that a snail can be fast and can vrroom in a man's speedy race.  But thanks to the writers' imagination because it introduced a new character in the movie industry and employment to everyone who are behind the production.

          Wolverine was our date last Saturday.  I didn't watch the previous X-men movies and even if I have the luxury of watching all the copied old movies now, I'm just not so interested yet.  The X-men cartoon series are still in memory and it's an enough background for now. 

It was an action movie but I crave for more moves.  As usual, there was love interest, greed, and jealousy.  Logan escaped the city seeking solitude in the snowy mountain to be one with nature after he killed the love of his life Jean Grey.  His adventure re-started when he was at last found by another mutant Yukio and brought to Japan.  "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts".  Not Yukio but the man Logan saved in Nagasaki in 1945, Master Yashida.  He offered Logan to turn him into a mortal but with an ulterior motive ... to only obtain Logan's power for his selfish ambition and obsession.  Yashida faked his death and made Mariko his grand daughter the sole heir.  As Mariko and Logan escaped to the island from the Yakuza's attacks, Logan unmasked his past to Mariko.  Love moved in.  Mariko's abduction/assassination was her father's and fiancée's stage play which only caused them misery and death in the long run.    Master Yashida inside the robot thing called Silver Samurai fought Logan. Mariko helped Logan ends her grandfather's years of hard work through piercing his grandfather's head from Logan's cut claws.  They won over Master Yashida and in a brief moment, Logan had a chance to end his hallucinations and let go of Jean Grey.

          A life of a mutant and that of an immortal are two things which I think are interesting, super awesomeness, and a want to have.  On a different realistic note, it's something I'd rather avoid.  Life is already complicated at times and when you have these super human abilities, I think it just prolongs insanity and complicates life a lot more.  And when all of your friends and loved ones are dead and you're left alone, it will also be a real struggle to keep on living hahaha.  Hugh Jackman perfectly suits his character as Wolverine.  I also like the action moves of Rila Fukushima as Yukio.  She's so slim yet can fight strongly and skillfully. 

What are note-worthy for me are:
  • There is goodness in everything and that evil can never prevail.
  • A broken heart can always recover, just give it time.
  • Running away can't help undo the past instead accept and open up to new opportunities.
  • Protect the ones you love and not use them as pawns for your ambition.
  • Love endures and bears all things.
  • Love indeed moves in mysterious ways.

Jack was I think expected too much and he said it's not how Wolverine fights.  Hmmm, or maybe it was just the kind of action moves required for such scenes?  For me, it was entertaining and I give it my 3 stars same as Turbo.  And again, just wait for a free download if you can help it.   Until the next movie.

To a promising week ahead!

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